Wednesday 14 September 2011

Istanbul and a disclaimer

Piece of advice if you're ever traveling all the way from New Zealand to Europe: take a couple of days in Singapore. Or Dubai if that's the way you're going. Either way, take it from me, 41 hours in airplanes and airports is just too much. But we got here safe and sound. Istanbul is beautiful. This morning we did all the big things in this area: hagia sophia, blue mosque, hippodrome, basilica cistern, and we looked at the outside of the archaeology museum and topkapi palace but decided we didn't feel like doing them now.
When we got in yesterday we dumped our stuff and went for a walk around our area. They sell barbecued corn from street corners. And they smoke too much. Sigh. I guess I will have to get used to that part because most if Europe smokes more than I am used to.
So that's about all we've been up to so far. Haven't been here 24 hours yet so that's not so surprising. Might have more to tell you in a few days.
But before I go I will give a disclaimer about spelling issues. I am writing these on my smart phone which is quite smart most of the time but sometimes is very not smart. It has a swype keyboard which means I can just draw a line between the letters I want and it can guess the word but when it guesses wrong it can be spectacularly wrong. I usually spot them (for instance in the last sentence wrong came up wing) but sometimes I miss something so if you see some sentences that just don't make sense just point them out to me so I can fix them.

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