Wednesday 11 April 2012

Last leg

Well my final week is drawing to a close. It doesn't really feel like 7 months. I spent this week in the USA. Not a lot of time but I prioritised people over stuff for this continent and there were more people in Canada. I spent 2 days in New York where I walked an insane amount and tried to fit as much as possible into not enough time. I didn't get to everything but I did see a lot. I walked over the Manhattan bridge, through China town and Little Italy, past the empire state building, through the public library, around the theatre district, times square and MoMA. I spent as much time as I could afford at the Met and wasn't all that disappointed to discover that the guggenheim was closed on Thursdays. I had already filled my art gallery quota. Instead I wandered through central park until I was completely exhausted. Turns out 6 weeks sitting on sofas and being driven around by friends and family wasn't so good for my stamina. So I headed to the library and say there for a while until I could feel my feet again. All in all New York was pretty impressive and definitely deserved more time than I gave it.
After New York I headed to Salem where I spent 2 days with family friends I hadn't seen in yonks so it was good to catch top. I got the driving tour of Salem because it was colder than expected and the baby was not happy being in the stroller. Which meant my feet got a nice break before I tortured them again in San Fransisco. I didn't really have a list of things to see in San Fransisco. I just walked. One way the first day the other way the second day. I found the big park, a part of town with lots of little independent shops and cafes, the part of town with lots of designer shops and no cafes (guess which I liked better), wandered along the fisherman's wharf (with a very cloudy view of golden gate bridge and alcatraz) and climbed many hills. 
And now I am just one 13 hour flight from New Zealand. So much fun.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Goodbye Canada

It's been fun but it's time for me to leave again. Another few weeks of friends and family; movies, games, conversation and general excitement. As always I didn't have enough time with everyone but I'm really looking forward to this last week of my trip and then getting home. I don't remember what it's like to not live out of a bag. But the prospect of my own bed and better tasting toothpaste didn't make it any easier to say goodbye to Catie for the last time (it wasn't easy to say good bye to any of you but Catie gets to be mentioned by name because she's Catie).
The adventure isn't over yet though. Coming up: New York, Salem and San Fransisco.