Monday 29 January 2018

5 years, 9 months, 18 days

It has been 2,119 days since I last posted anything on this blog. If anyone is still getting alerts about this, please let me know!

2,119 days. That's also how long it took me to go back through the original posts and correct most of the wonky, auto-correct spelling errors that came from writing on a smartphone.

It's odd to come back to something like this after so long. I'm glad that I have this record of the things that I did and saw on this trip. I've had several more adventures since then, and most of those have not been well recorded at all. I tend more towards being caught up in the awe of the moment than making sure that I've got the photos or the records to remember things later on. I prefer that to spending so much time trying to get the best photo that you miss the moment itself, but there's probably a better balance somewhere. Having spent a few hours reading through several months' stories, though, I do sort of wish I'd written down more since then.

My writing skills have also improved markedly since I started this blog. In fact, they improved while I was writing this blog. I now find the earliest posts to be very stilted and clumsy. But it's an accurate record of the time, so I have left everything more or less unchanged. Some typos have been corrected. A couple of the photos were causing problems and had to be uploaded again, but otherwise it's all the same.

And having just read through the whole thing, beginning to end, I find myself with the urge to add something new.

So what's new?

Well, the pattern of the last posts was to lament the amount of time I went without an update and then summarise what had happened since.

This has definitely been the longest gap yet. I'm not sorry. I've been doing other things instead.

What sorts of things? Well, I'm glad I've assumed you asked.

After I got back from that trip, I started my first full time job working for EQC managing insurance claims for houses damaged in the multitude of earthquakes that happened in Christchurch. I signed up for a 3-6 month job through a temp agency. Two and half years later, I left EQC for another grand adventure.

In 2015, I went to Canada in the middle of winter to catch my cousin's wedding, hit a few tourist stops in Canada (and also Cuba for bonus points) so that I could feel slightly less embarrassed when I tell people I'm from Canada and they list all of the places they've been to in Canada that I've never even heard of. Then I decided to go to Finland for the Northern Hemisphere summer because summer is stupid and the sun is not my friend. I spent a couple of months in a tiny town above the Arctic Circle, mostly because I saw the opportunity and thought "when would I ever do that again?" - the answer is probably never.

Some of the other new countries that I've managed to visit since 2012 include: Vietnam, Cambodia, Iceland, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile

In late 2016, I decided that I was ready to stop moving for a while, so I came back to New Zealand just in time for another large earthquake to create jobs for people with experience in earthquake insurance. I once again signed up for a 2 month temp job, not intending to stay longer than that. But I did, because they asked me to, and it's always so much easier to just do the job that's in front of you.

Plus they pay me.

I have, however, recently started a new adventure. I decided that I wanted something new and exciting but stationary for once, so I moved to Wellington at the end of July last year. So far, I love the city. I stuck with the same insurance company to move here, and insurance is not something I'm passionate about. I sometimes think about trying to find a career that I would actually love; but I wouldn't even know where to start so instead I stick with just having a job so that I can save money for adventures. It's served me pretty well so far.

And then, on Saturday, I went to the zoo.

There you go, 5 years summarised. I'm sure there isn't much else worth mentioning. Perhaps my next update will have to cover even more years. Or maybe I'll think of something to say tomorrow. Since I doubt anyone is reading this, it might not matter either way.

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