Monday 17 October 2011

Really? A week? When did that happen?

So apparently I haven't posted in about a week. It really doesn't feel that long. And I will have to have a look and see what we've done since then. Or I could try telling it backwards. Just got back from wandering around the gothic part of Barcelona. Saw the outside of the cathedral but the inside was closed for mass. Found the medieval jewish quarter. Lots of pretty streets. This morning we went to an irish pub to watch the rugby (it was an awesome game. We had to fight every minute but we still destroyed them). The atmosphere was fantastic. There were a couple of aussies who were sore losers but the overall feeling was great. I also just realized that I will be in France next weekend. Could be interesting.
Last night Catie and I went out for a drink in the reval area. Though it took us a while to find it. Had mojitos and then crepes. Very tasty. We'd spent the afternoon doing some gaudi. We headed up to park guell (the place he designed to be a sort of gated community but it failed economically and the city turned it into a park) after we saw how long the lines were to get inside the sagrada familia and decided just to admire the outside then and go back early monday morning.
That was our first stop in Barcelona (after dumping stuff at hostel) since we spent all morning on a train from San Sebastian.
San Sebastian was pretty. We found Jesus. It wasn't hard. He was right at the top of the hill where they'd left him. He's a cell phone tower now. Who knew the best way to reach god was by text?
In the morning we had gone to Bilbao to see the Guggenheim (Catie had been to all of the others) but we decided it was a bit pricey when lonely planet told us the best thing was the building itself so we just walked around the outside then headed to the old city. We went to the much cheaper (but not at all in english) basque museum instead. I bet it would have been really interesting if  we could have read the signs. It was still interesting but we didn't learn a whole lot.
And that was our second day in San Sebastian. Now I have to go sort laundry before we head back out so I will try to fill in the gap in the next couple of days.

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