Tuesday 20 December 2011

Into the Czech Republic

So when I told my sister I was coming to a place called Cesky Krumlov (there's meant to be a little v over the c which makes it a ch) she immediately decided it sounded like a bond villain. But when I got here and saw the castle, the cobbled lanes, the brightly painted houses and the river winding through it I decided it was definitely more fairytale. But that was before I heard about the moat. Like I said, there's a castle here. A pretty impressive castle given the size of the town. And like all good castles it has a moat. But when they were making the moat they decided water was just so over done so instead they filled the moat (dramatic pause) with bears.
Yeah, that's a little bond villain.
I didn't get to actually see the bears since they are of course hibernating at this point and apparently, despite the appearance of bats last week, I don't have a magical ability to wake hibernating animals. Must have been someone else on the cave tour.
So I meandered the streets of Cesky Krumlov. Walked through the castle. The interior is closed in winter but you can walk through the out side parts. It's a good castle too. Not quite like any of the others I've been to so far. But I also got a very mild cold and to avoid letting it get worse I stayed in a bit too. Which seems to have worked.
And then there was Prague. I got here yesterday afternoon and spent much of the day trying to track down Rachael because we were not smart enough to make a plan for finding each other before she left New Zealand and she was not reachable once she left. And Prague is quite big and very very crowded this week.
But I did eventually track her down. Along the way I saw a guy making horse shoes in the middle of the square and several spots where people, candles and flowers were gathered to honour Vaclav Havel as well as several incredibly large and bright christmas trees.
Today we went to the castle. It's not really the kind of place that springs to mind when I hear the word castle. Closer to palace but that doesn't really cover it either. It's more like a collection of palaces with a big cathedral in the middle. And all the buildings here are really brightly painted which was an interesting contrast to the dark gothic cathedral. And there was this lane with little houses that looked like something out of a cartoon. We also passed a massive line of people with flowers who we assumed were waiting to get in to see the casket.
After the castle we meandered the streets of Prague for a while. It is a pretty city. Found a church. Watched the astrological clock. Ate sausage. Decided not to go to the sex machines museum, the wax museum, or the marionette museum (personally I think the first one sounds the least creepy). And wandered the markets with hot drinks.
An afternoon of rest (some of us are quite jet lagged) then back out for dinner and enjoyment of christmas lights and market crowds.
Tomorrow we might just go to the zoo.

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