Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

Just a quick note to wish you all a wonderful Christmas. Especially to everyone in Christchurch. It's weird not being there. But hopefully you can all find a way to have a good holiday despite the rocking and rolling going on under your feet. Fingers crossed next year will be a little less shaky.
Since I just did an update there isn't a lot to say about what I've been up to. Yesterday we went to the zoo. It was very big and full of many impressive animals. The reindeer, however, were conspicuously absent. Today we went ice skating in the square. I haven't been ice skating in about 5 years and it turns out it uses muscles I didn't even know I had. Who knew there were muscles in the ankles?
And tomorrow will probably be full of skype. Email me if you want to book a time to talk because some people have already called dibs on certain times.
So have a wonderful christmas everyone and you will hear more from me next week when I will be in Germany.


  1. And a very Merry Christmas to you, too, honey. It is nice and sunny and frosty here at Cathy's place by the lake, where a thin skin of ice has formed over the last two days. We will be thinking of you. Everyone here wishes you a Merry Christmas

    Lots of love

  2. Hi Peggy,
    Happy New Year, thank you for your post card. All the best for your continuing travel.

