Saturday 26 November 2011

Into the unknown

So I'm off to Crete tonight and I don't know what the internet situation will be like so I thought I'd do a short update before I go. Short because there's not a whole lot to report. I've been in Athens for the past few days. Got here in the evening so I just walked a bit to get the lay of the land and groceries. The next day I planned to get up really early to get to the acropolis just after it opened and manage to visit all the main tourist sights in the one day even though many of them close at 3pm at this time of year. But then I got sick so I only did the acropolis and the new acropolis museum before heading back to the hostel and spending the rest of the day resting. The acropolis was pretty spectacular. Everything I thought it would be but with more scaffolding. I don't feel like I have to say anything about the acropolis. Everyone knows enough about it already. The museum however I will mention. It's new (hence the name) so everyone who has been here before and thinks they know everything I'm seeing won't know about this if they came before 2009. It was clearly very carefully planned. 3 floors of displays, mostly sculpture but also some vases and such, with the whole thing leading to the top floor built specifically for displaying the parthenon sculpture. They set up the frieze, pediments and metopes as they would have been on the building except at eye level and with giant windows so that (from one side at least) you can see the actual parthenon while looking at it's sculptures. There were also several not very flattering mentions of lord elgin and the hope that the casts of things that they have at the moment might be temporary.
So that was my first day in Athens. I'd only planned on having 2 but decided to stay an extra night because I didn't want to have to travel sick. Luckily it turned out to be a one day thing and I probably would have been fine to travel yesterday. But I took the extra time anyway. Which meant that yesterday I could visit some of the things I had intended to see the day before including the flea markets, the ancient agora and the temple of Olympian Zeus. I also spent a  bit of time trying to plan the next few weeks and not figuring much out. I just don't like planning. Someone else decide what I should do for the next month and let me know.
Which brings us to today. Today I walked aimlessly around the city. Found the fish market and the town hall (not in the same place). Bought my ticket for the ferry tonight. Ate a pastry. Nothing that would be greatly enthralling to read about.
So now I head south once more to the Greek Islands (though getting to more than one might turn out to be too much bother at this time of year). And the rest of the story you'll have to wait for because I have yet to perfect my precognition.

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