Saturday 19 November 2011

The peloponnese lacks in internet

So I've had some (read: one) demand for updates. I haven't really had internet in about 4 days now and the place I just checked into here in nafplio for 4 nights doesn't have it either. I'm writing this in a restaurant with free wifi after finishing my rather awesome hamburger (it's totally greek). So I will try to do the old write an update and post it later thing but later will probably be 4 more days. To tide you over I'll summarise a bit. Sicily: worth the hassle of getting there and back but take bug spray. Sicily to Greece: a very long trip. Olympia: the ancient site is great, the town is tiny and much of it is closed at this time of year. Nafplio: pretty so far but I got a little lost. They have good burgers and the people are nice.
That will have to do you for now. I have to do some research while I have internet.


  1. That's OK, honey. Most of realise that internet access comes and goes, so we are patient. Mostly. ;-)

    Take care, enjoy the Greek burgers, and I for one look forward to the bigger update when you can.

    Lots of love

  2. Haha... I like that he's so patient. In case anyone's wondering, I'm the demanding one. I say you should be able to update Pegiad with the power of your mind. C'mon... How can I travel vicariously if I don't know where you are??

    More Pegiad! More!
